This Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE) project consists of installing a new 26-inch natural gas transmission pipeline, which will replace an existing 26-inch pipeline. The project area begins approximately 2,500 feet south of the intersection of Old Court Road and Dogwood Road in Baltimore County, Maryland. The proposed pipeline realignment — approximately 2,200 feet in length — is planned to traverse grass fields, roadways, two streams, and wooded areas in the same general direction as the existing pipeline (east to west). Construction for the pipeline realignment will predominantly consist of open cut trenching, which will extend to a depth of approximately seven feet below existing grade. Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is proposed at each of the two stream crossings. The directional drilling is anticipated to be less than 20 feet below existing grade. Each crossing will require a bore pit and receiving pit, which is anticipated to be excavated to a depth of less than 10 feet below existing grade.
Baltimore Gas & Electric Pasture Project
Location: Baltimore County, MD
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