At the foundation of every successful construction project you’ll find that quality materials are essential. Conducting thorough construction site inspections and testing is an integral aspect of every successful project, and with our comprehensive site inspection services, you can expect relevant data to support your development plans from our reliable guidance supporting your project from the ground up.
Our Comprehensive Inspection Process
Our construction site inspections in NJ and PA combine diverse engineering support with an expert inspections process to address a variety of complex inspection needs. Our highly credentialed field personnel are on-site throughout the duration of the project, provide a depth of relevant earthwork and foundation testing, and support objective findings with clearly defined field report documentation. Along with the daily findings and organized reports, our credentialed process helps to keep your project moving forward with the peace of mind that things are being done right.
We pride ourselves in providing degreed professionals in the field to openly share advice and realistic strategies to assist in the construction process. Our goal is to minimize delays when issues arise, and with our skilled team by your side, you’ll have the verified data, expert guidance, and a simplified plan of action designed to help save you time and money on your project.
Types of Certified Inspections Available
Our construction site inspections in NJ and PA are tailored to the needs of the project. Depending on the type of build, location, and materials used throughout the build, your project may require a wide variety of materials testing and inspection services. Our expert inspections team will help you through the process, and offer inspection services such as:
- Core Services: Valuable inspections such as construction materials testing, inspection and geotechnical consulting are a key component of our inspection processes. We can verify integral elements of your build such as:
- Subgrade Preparation
- Proof-rolling and Compaction
- Foundations
- Concrete and Reinforcing Steel
- Masonry, Mortar and Grout
- Structural Steel
- Fireproofing
- Sinkhole Remediation
- Concrete Floor Flatness
- Windsor Probe Testing
- Lime and Cement Stabilization
- Pressure & Compaction Grouting
- Asphalt
- Segmental Retaining Walls
- Stormwater Management Systems
- Ground Improvements and Deep Foundation: For larger structures or builds with unique considerations, our deep foundation inspection capabilities provide lasting reassurance. We can provide geotechnical consulting, design and inspection services on
- Helical Piers
- Push Piles
- Drilled Shafts (Caissons)
- Auger Cast Piles
- Driven Piles: Timber, Steel-Piles
- Stone Columns
- Dynamic Deep Compaction (DDC)
- Rapid Impact Compaction
- and more.
- Clean Fill Testing: As environmental companies in NJ and PA we have the capabilities to perform Clean Fill Assessments and Testing. Sometimes an assessment with no analytical laboratory testing is enough while other times analytical testing is required in order to provide certification. Our qualified team of environmental professionals provides guidance and advice to evaluate your needs for clean fill certification.
Before moving forward with the next phase of your project, get in touch with our expert inspectors to learn more. We’ll provide you with the comprehensive insight, helpful advice, and organized data you need to build with stability and confidence.
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